Personalised Wedding

Ceremony Trends

Wedding Party Intros!

Prudence Takle, October 15 2024

You've chosen to have these people by your side on your wedding day for a reason. Wedding Party Introductions are the perfect way to ensure everyone knows who they are and why they're such an important part of your life. In fact, it's one of the most common things guests mention after a ceremony. They love knowing who’s who, how you know them,...

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Ceremony Trends

Keeping It In The Family

Prudence Takle, August 4 2023

You’re looking at the roles on your wedding day and matching them to the people you love most then suddenly, you realise, you want your siblings to have a special part to play but what?! As with all ways of including others in your day, my rule is to do it in a way that will suit who they are and what you think they would be up

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Ceremony Trends

Making the wedding processional your party starter

Prudence Takle, September 26 2020

When you think of a processional what comes to mind? The processional is usually the beginning of a wedding ceremony. Steeped in tradition, this grand entrance is often layered with meaning and sentimental values. Even the most non-traditional couple can surprise me with how much importance they place on this part of their ceremony.

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Past Lovers

Sally and James – Love In The Time of Caronavirus

Prudence Takle, July 8 2020

The plan for Sally and James’ wedding was simple – a small ceremony with family and only a few close friends at Sally’s family home in Brighton, followed by a fully catered for, intimate dinner in the dining room. They were saving the big party for a few weeks later – a soirée event with a big band and cocktail dress code.

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Wedding Tips & Tricks

Thoughtful ways to include a lost loved one in your wedding

Prudence Takle, February 7 2020

A modern wedding ceremony carries many layers of meaning. For you as a couple it’s primarily to celebrate and acknowledge your commitment to each other, but often it’s also a tribute to family and friends. Those who have helped shape you into the people you are, the people you aspire to be. And to those who have had your back and will continue to...

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